First step is to determine demand for your product and highest and best use of a piece of land. You do this by analyzing the market, talking to realtors, property management companies, appraisers, builders and developers in the area to find out of...
This is Part-2 of a 2-Part series going over models that you can use as a real estate developer to plan out projects.
In Part 2, we are going over a more in depth Ground Up Residential Development model - including a...
This is Part-1 of a 2-Part series going over models that you can use as a real estate developer to plan out projects.
In Part 1, we are going over a one-pager model that you can use to determine if a deal is viable.
Real estate development is a complicated capital-intensive process.
There's a lot you need to know and do before you put a property under contract or close on a property to develop:
First you need to do a...
There is a lot of competition for multifamily properties these days and CAP rates are highly compressed.
If you are relying solely on brokers, the chances of getting a good deal or even competing are slim to none especially if you are...
You can wholesale commercial and residential real estate. Wholesaling as it’s known in the business is simply the assignment of contract.
Once you have lined up your cash buyers, all that’s left is find a property under market...
Wholesaling has become a controversial topic.
But it is actually legal in almost every state and is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money in the real estate game. However, you must educate yourself first and...
I always recommend finding cash buyers first when wholesaling houses or starting out in the business.
Without a solid buyers list, you can’t sell a deal and enter into a contract honestly and ethically unless you know without...
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